The harvest

The cultivation of olives is a whole in which the care of the soil, the tree and the biodiversity environment are fundamental, integrators and facilitators of the final result, which is quality fruit, clean, without bruises or wounds due to excessive impact, falls. to the ground or late collection.

In the case of the fruit obtained by the ecological and biodynamic method, the value of being vital, healthy, with traceability in its generation process in which there is no chemical product is also added.

If we have reached the moment of harvesting, with a fruit raised with full respect for natural processes, we could not do less in the harvesting phase.

What does this mean?

That our olive goes almost directly from the tree to the oil mill. It is collected using mechanical procedures that are not traumatic for the fruit.

We have two sectors on the farm “Almazán-Tavero family olive production” that produces biodynamic organic extra virgin olive oil.

One part is hedgerow cultivation, of the Arbequina variety, where the collection is by harvester that transports the olives directly to the tank that takes it to grinding or transformation into oil.

Another part corresponds to trees with one or two trunks, separated by 8 meters of distance, where the collection is by vibration, umbrella collection, reception, with hardly any help, not so much by hitting, but by friction carried out by a stick that It ends in a type of fingers that perform a certain friction movement on some branches to facilitate the fall of the olive.

That is to say, we have built a way of doing things that respects the integrity of the fruit so that it arrives in perfect condition at the oil mill.

La Finca. Aceites Biodinámicos en Jaén. Zais Bio.


The ideal critical time for harvesting is
between the first days of October and the end of November.

We monitor and analyze different parameters on these key dates to decide the optimal moment of fruit ripening, betting on early harvesting in the search for quality culmen.

It would be useless to spend an entire year caring for and pampering our land and our tree, and then not applying those same precepts in the harvesting phase.

First, we must act respecting the integrity of the tree, among other things to leave it in the best conditions to bear fruit for the following year.

For this, we have harvesting systems that respect the integrity of the tree and extract the olives with great care, without any damage to the fruit and with immediate grinding.
Thanks to the complete and continuous application of biodynamic processes, both in cultivation, extraction and transformation, we guarantee an oil that maintains and sustains the flavors, aromas and the best healthy characteristics, thanks to its vitamins and antioxidants.

We could say that in our olive grove we apply ancestral wisdom and knowledge of natural sciences, carrying out each intervention in due time so that the magic and generosity of the respected land is produced, giving us the best fruit, giving us life.